網路作家 Josh Kinney 與大家分享,
Here are ten tips for traveling on the cheap.
1. Number one (and this is THE most important):
Meet people. Make friends. Build connections.
Collect stories and experiences.
Go to Instameets. Network at coffee shops, bars, parties, etc. If you’re in college, make friends from different parts of the country or the world. Visit their homes and cities with them, don’t be shy or afraid to step out and make a friend. 90% of my travels are because I just so happened to know someone or know someone who knows someone that’s in the particular place I’m interested in going.
小編說 這真的是旅行最珍貴的回憶!
2. Find a volunteer or mission trip through a nonprofit or church.
Want to go to Africa, Southeast Asia, South America or a city in Europe? Go serve some people you don’t know. You’ll get to use your gifts and talents, meet a ton of new people, friends and connections for your future travels (see number 1) and you’ll get to experience the place you want to go, all for free. Fundraising pays for volunteer trips. The more connections and friends you make in life, the more people you’ll have to help fund your venture. Just get the ball rolling and watch how it builds over the years. GoFundMe.com is a fantastic resource.
3. AirBnB, Couch-Surfing and Hotels.com – use these!
Hotels.com gives you some great deals. Write a review and get a discount. Book with it a handful of times and you’ll get a free stay at a hotel of your choice. AirBnB and couch-surfing are the millennials tools to traveling even cheaper. They also provide you with new friends and connections, again! (See number one).
Hotels.com:能為你網羅所有符合價位的空房 (Hostelworld.com等其他大網站也有很多的選擇)
Airbnb及沙發衝浪 :則是更便宜的住宿方式,可以認識許多當地人
4. Megabus, CheapoAir and renting a car:
Megabus is a cheap way to get to a ton of places. The buses are big, spacious, have Internet and make several pit-stops. You never know whom you might meet on the Megabus (see number one).
Cheapoair will narrow down(壓縮) your flights; give you alternative and flexible dates and airports to ensure the cheapest route possible. Example, if you live in Philly and want to fly to Orlando, don’t limit yourself to flying out of Philadelphia International Airport. Try Trenton to Jacksonville or Newark, JFK, La Guardia, BWI, Dulles, Regan, Wilmington or Atlantic City to Orlando, Jacksonville, and Fort Lauderdale. You might be surprised at the deal you come across.
5. Study maps, know your route, plan accordingly for weather and study the history of where you’re going or passing through. Don’t just sit back for the ride, learn, grow and expand your knowledge and experience. Come back a different person having learned something amazing.
小編說 身為路痴的小編也開始學會自己摸索囉!
6. Groupon and Yelp.
Not only can you find good travel packages, you can also find awesome food deals and specials on Groupon. Use Yelp to find where you want to eat based on your preferences and or your finances. Yelp has never steered me wrong. But of course, ask the locals, they will know best and you might meet a new connection. (see number one).
小編說 不過~向當地人開口詢問也是很棒的方式喔!
7. Live in community with the people you travel with. Cover each other’s expenses in exchange for something else. Food, hotels, couches, volunteering to drive or sleep on the floor for one night is all its own form of currency(貨幣).
小編說 增進自己的技能是很重要的,這時就能派上用場了吧!
8. Expect the unexpected. When things go wrong, don’t become disappointed. Your plan might not be the best one. There might be a better one that’s waiting to happen. You might look back in retrospect(回顧) and say, “I am so glad my plan didn’t work out, otherwise I wouldn’t have met, discovered, went to, learned, etc…” (This has happened to me countless times and I’m SO thankful for it!)
資料參考:http://goo.gl/PNWBzw * http://goo.gl/lrRZcj
9. Don’t be picky or set high standards or expectations.
Learn to actually see the world. Don’t stay at the Hilton(希爾頓酒店); book an AirBnB with a local or a motel that’s not a chain. Don’t you dare eat at Applebee’s or the Hard Rock Cafe, go for the local spots, the mom and pop restaurants that have been there for years, the hole-in-the-wall dive bars and venues. Find the hometown rave.
10. You can find adventure without having to go far and without spending any money. There are places right around you that you probably don’t know about. From abandoned buildings to nearby woods, parks, beaches, small towns or big cities, go explore something or somewhere new in your own backyard. Maybe that little town you pass off the expressway every day on your morning commute has a park, store, restaurant or cool building you would’ve never known about otherwise had you not decided to take a detour(繞行的路).
小編說 小編發現亂走亂逛反而能有更多不同的驚喜呢
Collect experiences and memories, not things.