The riddle – which has nothing to do with the African mammal – is said to be easy to solve, but is tripping many users up as it spreads around the social network.
The question asked in the challenge is: ‘It’s 3am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors! It’s your parents and they are here for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?’
「凌晨 3 點鐘,你家的電鈴突然響了,把你吵了起來!意想不到的訪客突然來訪!是你的爸爸媽媽!他們是來你家享用早餐的,而你有草莓醬、蜂蜜、酒、麵包、跟起司,你要先打開什麼?」
Facebook users who have failed the challenge must change their profile pictures on the site to a photo of a giraffe and re-post the riddle, asking friends to message them with the answer. If they also incorrectly guess the solution, they must change their profile picture and post the riddle for their friends to guess, thus spreading the game further around Facebook.
However, some users of the social network are already tiring of the riddle.
‘Lord, give me the strength not to slap the faces of the people who changed their profile photo to a giraffe on facebook,’ wrote one frustrated Facebooker.
‘Never heard anything so ridiculous in my life! Facebook is a shambles,’ added another.
● Riddle (n.) 謎語
● Mammal (n.) 哺乳類動物
● Trip sb. up (使某人)犯錯誤
A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.
● Ridiculous (adj.) 可笑的
● Shambles (n.) 混亂(場面)
The meeting ended in a complete shambles.
‘Open the door first’
‘Open your eyes first’