現在就來看看有那些 必背 托福字彙是你一定要會的
托福閱讀的 Vocabulary-in-Context Question 是最容易拿下分數的
以下列舉 ETS 托福閱讀字彙題常出現的單字以及它們的同義詞
如:列表中的 exposed to 考過的正解有 subjected to 或 uncovered 的意思
閱讀字彙題 |
中文解釋 |
正解答案 |
counteracted |
否定,抵消 |
negated |
spawned |
產卵,產生 |
created |
core |
核心 |
center |
embedded |
內嵌的 |
encased |
fixture |
尋常物品 |
commonplace object |
exposed to |
易受影響的 |
subjected to |
diffuses |
擴散,散佈 |
travels |
rapture |
破裂 |
burst |
aesthetically |
美學,藝術地 |
artistically |
miniscule |
微小的 |
tiny |
enables |
使能夠 |
allows |
disputes |
爭論 |
arguments |
unrestricted |
不受限制的 |
unlimited |
snap |
折斷 |
break |
inhibited |
阻礙 |
hindered |
pits |
坑 |
holes |
constituting |
組成 |
making up |
staples |
基本產品 |
basic elements |
rotates |
轉動,改變 |
turns |
scale |
攀登 |
climb |
devote |
奉獻 |
dedicate |
bound |
綁 |
tied |
adorned |
裝飾 |
decorated |
assembling |
聚集 |
gathering |
attire |
服裝 |
clothing |
unravel |
揭露 |
discover |
mundane |
平凡的 |
ordinary |
gap |
空隙 |
opening |
discards |
拋棄 |
gets rid of |
deft |
(手)靈巧的 |
skilled |
robust |
強壯的 |
strong |
heralded |
宣佈 |
announced |
major |
主要的 |
principal |
symmetrical |
對稱的 |
proportionally balanced |
dominated |
佔有控制地位 |
were prevalent in |
conjectural |
猜測的 |
based on guessing |
employing |
採用 |
using |
assortment |
種類 |
variety |
ingots |
銀錠/銀鑄塊 |
blocks of silver mixed with copper |
crisscross |
縱橫交錯 |
move back and forth |
subsidy |
資助 |
financing |
dictates |
決定 |
determines |
witnessed |
看到 |
observed |
conserve |
維持,保留 |
retain |
supplements |
補充 |
extensions |
skepticism |
懷疑 |
doubt |
altered |
改變 |
changed |
magnified |
加強,加劇 |
intensified |
came of age |
成年,成熟 |
established itself |
adversely |
不利地 |
negatively |
exposed |
暴露的 |
uncovered |
forage |
覓食 |
feed |
trace |
痕跡 |
imprints |
cohesion |
凝聚 |
unity |
prominent |
享譽盛名的 |
distinguished |
sumptuous |
奢侈的 |
luxurious |
detectable |
可以探測的 |
measurable |
consciously |
故意地 |
purposely |
unadorned |
未裝飾樸素的 |
plain |
consumption |
吃,喝,消耗 |
eating |
noxious |
有毒、有害的 |
harmful |
intricate |
錯綜複雜的 |
complex |
initially |
首先 |
at first |
apply to |
應用於 |
used for |
constituents |
組成成分 |
components |
calculated |
計算,決定 |
determined |
acute |
敏銳、劇烈的 |
intense |
astounding |
驚訝的 |
surprising |
induced |
導致 |
caused |
customarily |
通常 |
usually |
exceeded |
超越 |
surpassed |
thanks to |
由於 |
because of |
appeal to |
吸引 |
attract |
eagerly anticipated |
渴望,期待 |
looked forward to |
revolutionized |
具突破性變革 |
dramatically changed |
sufficient |
充足的 |
adequate |
aptly |
恰當的 |
appropriately |
annihilate |
消滅,征服 |
conquer |
fashion |
製造 |
create |
article |
物品 |
object |
Paper Discussion 在近期聽力測驗出現頻率極高
如果確定 → 則要聽其他什麼問題?
如果不確定 → 學生則會去請求論文選題
What information will the man include in his report?
資料太多 → 一部分刪掉?還是全部刪掉?
資料太少 → 太少的話,加什麼資料?
資料不好 → 教授給什麼樣的建議?有需要換什麼資料嗎?
有沒有參考文獻 (reference)
哪裡不足 → 記筆記的重點,這裡容易出「細節題」
哪裡可以 → 作為錯誤選項排除,因為通常問的是哪裡不足