






 Have a beef with


You have major issues with someone, or someone hates you or has a grudge against you. 跟某人有心結,跟某人鬧得不愉快



A: Have you read the news about Taylor Swift and Kayne West?

B: I heard they have a beef, but I don't really know what happened between them.


grudge (n.)怨恨



 A good call


used to express approval (or criticism) of a person's decision or suggestion. 沒錯!就是這樣!



A: What do you want for dinner today?

B: How about Chinese takeout? We haven’t had it for a long time.

A: That’s a good call!


express (v) 表達

approval (n) 認同



 Call someone out


To announce to someone that one knows the other's lies or intentions. 揭穿某人



A: I thought your were going to play a trick on Jack.

B: I can’t do it anymore. Kate called me out in front of everybody. Now Jack knows what I’m going to do!


announce (v) 宣布

intention (n) 意圖



 On fleek


Very good. Perfect. On point. 太完美啦!



A: Look at my fabulous eyebrows. I tried a different way of applying. What do you think?

B: They are on fleek.



 In a pickle


If you are in a pickle, you are in a difficult position, or have a problem to which no easy answer can be found. 左右為難



A: I’m in a pickle. You have to help me choose. Which one is better, the red one or the blue one?

B: Honey, I think both of them look great on you.


pickle (n) 醃黃瓜



 A wuss


A person regarded as weak, or overly fearful. 膽小鬼 小孬孬



A: I don’t think we should go to that haunted house. It’s too dangerous.

B: Oh, come on! Don’t be such a wuss. It’s gonna be fun!


regarded as 被認為

weak (adj) 軟弱

fearful (adj) 害怕





To be completely enthusiastic, exhilarated, or excited about something. 爽翻天



A: Guess what?

B: What?

A: I’m so stoked because I got free tickets to Big Bang’s concert!


enthusiastic (adj) 熱忱

exhilarated (adj) 狂喜





A song that a person is particularlyfond of. 最愛的歌曲



A: Oh my God! This is my jam!

B: Let me turn up the music then.


particularly (adv) 特定

fond of 喜愛





A modern synonym for words such as “cool,” or “dope.” Used to describe a noun that is of an excellent quality. 酷



A: Have you been to the new club downtown?

B: No, I haven’t, but I heard it’s pretty legit. We should go check it out next week.


legit (adj) 正統的

synonym (n)同義字

dope (adj) 酷





Someone who sends provocative messages on the internet.You convince and lie to someone to do something that’s not real prank or kidding. 網路小白 惡搞



A: Have you seen this Dad? He trolls his daughter by recreating her selfies.

B: Oh my God. That’s hilarious!


provocative (adj) 挑撥

convince (v) 說服

prank (v) (n) 整人

hilarious (adj) 超好笑的






 美國習慣俚語大揭密go bananas=情緒失控?






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