一般我們說的隱形眼鏡,英文是 Contact lens
而 Lens 原是「鏡片;鏡頭」的意思,後來也可以直接指隱形眼鏡
現代近視族比例越來越高,年齡層也逐漸下降,大家為了方便、美觀而選擇隱形眼鏡,不過因配戴隱形眼鏡,導致健康亮紅燈的也是大有人在,除了一般建議每日配戴不宜超過8小時,隱形眼鏡還有哪些需要注意的地方呢? 快跟著小編一起來了解
7 Safety Tips For Those Who Wear Contact Lenses
1. Before you reach your lenses with a hand, wash it, and keep eye stuff in a right clean place. Touching lenses with dirty hands can end up with pinkeye infection which can even leave you blind.
■ End up with 以…告終
■ Pinkeye (n.) 傳染性結膜炎
2. Allergic people can make their symptoms worse by wearing lenses, because pollen and dander can get directly to the eyeball with the sticky silicon When you suffer bad symptoms, change to glasses, and if you can’t live without lenses (nothing bad with it), just try to buy new ones more often and do a good cleaning.
■ Allergic (adj.) 過敏的.
Be allergic to sth 對…過敏
■ Pollen (n.) 花粉
■ Dander (n.) 毛屑
3. Don’t forget eye drops – you have to obtain a sample anywhere you spend your time, at home or at work. It’s impossible to see through dry lenses, and they really can stretch the eyeball. Use the liquid as often as you can, and buy ones with antihistamine effect if you are allergic.
■ Eye drop (n.) 眼藥水
■ Stretch (v.) 損傷
4. Wear lenses only as long as it is written on the pack. If it says two weeks, destroy them after 14 days, not longer. Lenses accumulate and absorb protein deposits which are great place for germs, and can cause pain because of irritation.
■ Protein (n.) 蛋白質
■ Deposit (n.) 堆積,沉澱物
The country is short of known deposits of coal.
■ Germ (n.) 微生物;細菌;病菌
Disease is usually caused by germs.
■ Irritation (n.) 刺激;疼痛;發炎
5. When in shower or swimming pool, take them off. Silicon is a great absorbent, and it may take in any infection or parasite in air or water.
■ Absorbent (n.) 吸收劑;吸收物
■ Parasite (n.) 寄生蟲
6. Let your eyes rest from contacts wearing. It can be really hard when you got used to a good sight every step, but your eyes deserve some free breathing. Choose breathable lenses and put them off for a couple of hours each day to give oxygen to your tired eyeballs.
■ A couple of 兩個,幾個,一對
The festival lasts a couple of days.
7. Meet your ophthalmologist every year to check your prescription. With no up-to-date recommendations you won’t be able to buy lenses. And if your eyes got weaker, you mustn’t stick to old lenses – it may cause headaches and sight problems.
■ Ophthalmologist (n.) 眼科醫師
■ Prescription (n.) 處方
The prescription of drugs is a doctor's responsibility.
■ Up to date (adj.) 最新的;流行的
Up to date we have no news of his arrival.
■ Recommendation (n.) 勸告,建議
■ Stick to 堅持;衷于 = cling to, adhere to
We have decided to stick to our previous plan.