A duck walks into 7-11.
He says, “Have you got any grapes?”
The guy says, “No.”
The duck leaves. The next day the duck walks into 7-11.
He says, “Have you got any grapes?”
The guy says, “No, we haven`t got any grapes.”
The duck leaves. The next day the duck walks into 7-11.
He says, “Have you got any grapes?”
The guy says, “Listen, Daffy, this is the third day in a row I`m telling you we haven`t got any grapes. You walk in here and ask for grapes one more time, I’m gonna nail your stupid webbed feet to the floor.”
The duck leaves. The next day the duck walks into the 7-11.
He says, “Do you have any nails?”
The guy says, “No.”
The duck says, “Good. Have you got any grapes?”
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